The World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls |
Resolutions of the 6th World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls
Resolutions of the 5th World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls
RESOLUTION 1 RECOGNISING the co-operation existing between the World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls (WWGBP) and the Raptor Research Foundation (RRF)
REQUESTS the resolutions committee of RRF to submit these resolutions to participating members at the 1998 Fall Meeting in Ogden, Utah, for endorsement and
joint submission with WWGBP. RESOLUTION 2 RECOGNISING that the survival of the globally threatened Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina
is only possible in the last unfragmented and undisturbed areas of Central Europe, and that 80% of the remaining German population of this eagle is concentrated in small parts of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
REQUESTS the government in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to protect the areas with a high breeding concentration of Lesser Spotted Eagles from growing fragmentation and disturbance, and
URGES the authorities not to permit the proposed Oltschott wind-farm to be constructed in the most important breeding area for Lesser Spotted Eagles in Germany, and
RECOMMENDS the implementation of the EU Action Plan for this species. RESOLUTION 3 RECOGNISING that the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina
is the rarest and most threatened species of eagle that breeds regularly in Germany, and
RECOGNISING that despite intensive protection during the last 40 years the population of this species is not increasing
the authorities of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to take great care, during the privatisation of the state forests, that the forest ecology necessary for Lesser Spotted Eagles is not prejudiced by insensitive introduction of intensive
forestry techniques, and thus that the environment necessary for this and other threatened German raptors is preserved. RESOLUTION 4
RECOGNISING that recent studies clearly show that the European Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus
makes very long movements in their Mediterranean area and that there is a high exchange of individuals between different and distant colonies, and
RECOGNISING that the European Griffon Vulture is particularly threatened by poisoning, electrocution, direct killing and disturbance at the nesting colonies
URGES the Mediterranean countries involved to protect carefully the existing colonies and suitable buffer zones in order to prevent disturbance and habitat
deterioration, to enforce legislation forbidding poisoning and to re-introduce Griffon Vultures where appropriate. RESOLUTION 5 RECOGNISING that anti-poaching patrols by the National Forest Service
guards in the Strait of Messina, Italy, and particularly on the Calabrian side, from the end of April to the beginning of June have reduced illegal killing of migrating raptors by about 90% in the last 10 years,
COMPLIMENTS the Italian government and the National Forest Service for the very efficient action taken against poaching and
STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that this action will continue in the same way in the future. RESOLUTION 6
DEEPLY CONCERNED by the recent massive poisoning of Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus in Israel,
SUPPORTS the very important decision of the Israeli Minister of the Environment to nominate a committee to investigate the incident and
Israeli Minister of the Environment to implement all recommendations of the committee at the earliest. RESOLUTION 7 NOTES that the activities of the South African Poison Working Group of the Endangered
Wildlife Trust have reduced the poisoning of raptors, and
NOTES the importance of focussing attention on education, and co-operation with agrochemicals manufacturers and government departments, and
URGES the European countries and other nations to
follow this model by establishing similar Working Groups with assistance from the EWT. RESOLUTION 8 RECOGNISING that negative interaction between birds and electricity structures remains a problem,
1. Electricity utility companies to form co-operative management partnerships with recognised ornithological bodies, 2. That all new electricity structures be designed to be safe for raptors and other birds, and 3. That all existing structures be assessed by these partnerships to develop a timetable for the mitigation of those structures causing negative impacts on bird populations. RESOLUTION 9
RECOGNISING that raptors can drown in farm dams
URGES the organised agricultural sector in countries where this is a problem to alert its members to this situation, and
URGES the members to effect the necessary measures to mitigate raptor mortality in their farm dams. RESOLUTION 10 RECOGNISING that predation by raptors can create conflicts between owners of livestock,
conservers of game and other interests, and
RECOGNISING that human resources, including skills and other contributions, are needed from all possible quarters to conserve wildlife, and
RECOGNISING that conflicts divert attention and resources from issues on which all interests can agree, especially the absolute priority of maintaining health of habitats and raptor prey populations
URGES governments, authorities, NGOs and other interest groups to seek all possible solutions to such conflicts, including if absolutely necessary the selective removal of identified
problem raptors, if possible for other conservation programmes. RESOLUTION 11 RECOGNISING that scientific and veterinary studies on birds of prey play a vital part in the conservation of these birds
and that such work often requires the international movement of samples (derivatives) taken from species subject to controls under the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), and
NOTING that diagnostic and other samples usually need to be examined promptly if meaningful results are to be obtained, and
NOTING that CITES controls on the movement of such derivatives can cause delay in delivery of valuable material, prove excessively time-consuming and are at times impossible to follow, and
NOTING that some countries are not signatories to CITES or lack CITES issuing facilities,
Secretariat and Signatories to the Convention to devise a system which would permit the rapid movement between countries of samples (derivatives), for example, blood smears, biopsies and tissues for DNA studies, for scientific
research or veterinary purposes. RESOLUTION 12 RECOGNISING that the CITES appendices require regular revision to encompass new understanding of animal demography and changes in patterns of trade, and
RECOGNISING that direct costs to CITES administration authorities and indirect costs, for example, to research workers, should be concomitant with conservation benefits that result from regulations
REQUESTS the CITES Secretariat to review its appendices
with up-to-date recommendations from raptor biologists, taking note of IUCN criteria and with particular emphasis on: 1. Raptor species or sub-species with globally small and vulnerable populations in the wild. 2. Raptor species with population dynamics that cannot sustain a high yield. 3. Raptor species liable to be affected by Trade in the next decade.
4. Reviewing the status of raptor species in appendices on a 5-year basis. 5. Urging the European Union to adopt the same principles. 6. Down-listing species that no longer meet CITES criteria. RESOLUTION 13 RECOGNISING that captive breeding and reintroduction of endangered species can be important proven conservation methods and that speed and timing of movements are vital for the success of
the methods.
RECOGNISING that the statistics from TRAFFIC in CITES movements show an increasing preponderance towards captive-bred birds, and consequently a decreasing proportion in the trade of wild birds, and
RECOGNISING that the current situation penalises the movement of captive-bred birds rather than encourages it.
urge all member countries to accelerate the process for issuing export/import permits to meet these conservation efforts. RESOLUTION 14
RECOGNISING that some bird of prey populations are under pressure from live harvesting
URGES all governments which issue permits to harvest birds of prey on an annual quota system to do so: 1. only where an adequate monitoring programme of the breeding population shows that such a harvest is
sustainable long-term, and 2. only for juvenile birds, not for adults, in order to minimise impact on the donor population RESOLUTION 15 RECOGNISING the important role that the
Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) is playing in the conservation of African species, especially birds of prey and owls
CONGRATULATES the EWT on its 25th anniversary, and
THANKS the EWT for its generous hospitality in hosting the 5th World Conference and for the high level of patient, dedicated assistance by members during the Conference.
(Compiled by Robert Kenward)